
Archive for the ‘70-480’ Category

Implement Program Flow (25%) Part 3

February 23, 2013 1 comment

Implement exception handling.

This objective may include but is not limited to: set and respond to error codes; throw an exception; request for null checks; implement try-catch-finally blocks.

  • jsFiddle of a try catch example that uses a throw. I noticed that the throw sends a string rather than an error object. Actually it sends whatever you send it: string, object, number, etc.

On a related topic, here’s a good method to check connections in C# and not use exceptions:

Implement and Manipulate Document Structures and Objects (24%) Part 1

February 20, 2013 1 comment

Create the document structure.

This objective may include but is not limited to: structure the UI by using semantic markup, including for search engines and screen readers (Section, Article, Nav, Header, Footer, and Aside); create a layout container in HTML:

  • jsFiddle of styleless HTML5 semantic tags listed
  • jsFiddle with added layout and color styles

Exam 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3

February 20, 2013 Leave a comment

OK, here’s what I gotta review. I think I’ll make posts for each content area over the next week. The exam is on the 28th. Fun fun!

Implement and Manipulate Document Structures and Objects (24%)
  • Create the document structure.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: structure the UI by using semantic markup, including for search engines and screen readers (Section, Article, Nav, Header, Footer, and Aside); create a layout container in HTML
  • Write code that interacts with UI controls.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: programmatically add and modify HTML elements; implement media controls; implement HTML5 canvas and SVG graphics
  • Apply styling to HTML elements programmatically.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: change the location of an element; apply a transform; show and hide elements
  • Implement HTML5 APIs.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: implement storage APIs, AppCache API, and Geolocation API
  • Establish the scope of objects and variables.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: define the lifetime of variables; keep objects out of the global namespace; use the “this” keyword to reference an object that fired an event; scope variables locally and globally
  • Create and implement objects and methods.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: implement native objects; create custom objects and custom properties for native objects using prototypes and functions; inherit from an object; implement native methods and create custom methods


Implement Program Flow (25%)
  • Implement program flow.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: iterate across collections and array items; manage program decisions by using switch statements, if/then, and operators; evaluate expressions
  • Raise and handle an event.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: handle common events exposed by DOM (OnBlur, OnFocus, OnClick); declare and handle bubbled events; handle an event by using an anonymous function
  • Implement exception handling.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: set and respond to error codes; throw an exception; request for null checks; implement try-catch-finally blocks
  • Implement a callback.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: receive messages from the HTML5 WebSocket API; use jQuery to make an AJAX call; wire up an event; implement a callback by using anonymous functions; handle the “this” pointer
  • Create a web worker process.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: start and stop a web worker; pass data to a web worker; configure timeouts and intervals on the web worker; register an event listener for the web worker; limitations of a web worker


Access and Secure Data (26%)
  • Validate user input by using HTML5 elements.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: choose the appropriate controls based on requirements; implement HTML input types and content attributes (for example, required) to collect user input
  • Validate user input by using JavaScript.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: evaluate a regular expression to validate the input format; validate that you are getting the right kind of data type by using built-in functions; prevent code injection
  • Consume data.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: consume JSON and XML data; retrieve data by using web services; load data or get data from other sources by using XMLHTTPRequest
  • Serialize, deserialize, and transmit data.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: binary data; text data (JSON, XML); implement the jQuery serialize method; Form.Submit; parse data; send data by using XMLHTTPRequest; sanitize input by using URI/form encoding


Use CSS3 in Applications (25%)
  • Style HTML text properties.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: apply styles to text appearance (color, bold, italics); apply styles to text font (WOFF and @font-face, size); apply styles to text alignment, spacing, and indentation; apply styles to text hyphenation; apply styles for a text drop shadow
  • Style HTML box properties.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: apply styles to alter appearance attributes (size, border and rounding border corners, outline, padding, margin); apply styles to alter graphic effects (transparency, opacity, background image, gradients, shadow, clipping); apply styles to establish and change an element’s position (static, relative, absolute, fixed)
  • Create a flexible content layout.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: implement a layout using a flexible box model; implement a layout using multi-column; implement a layout using position floating and exclusions; implement a layout using grid alignment; implement a layout using regions, grouping, and nesting
  • Create an animated and adaptive UI.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: animate objects by applying CSS transitions; apply 3-D and 2-D transformations; adjust UI based on media queries (device adaptations for output formats, displays, and representations); hide or disable controls
  • Find elements by using CSS selectors and jQuery.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: choose the correct selector to reference an element; define element, style, and attribute selectors; find elements by using pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes (for example, :before, :first-line, :first-letter, :target, :lang, :checked, :first-child)
  • Structure a CSS file by using CSS selectors.
    • This objective may include but is not limited to: reference elements correctly; implement inheritance; override inheritance by using !important; style an element based on pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes (for example, :before, :first-line, :first-letter, :target, :lang, :checked, :first-child)